Covering it with a bandage won’t make fire risk go away
Hospitals have thousands of people passing through their doors every day, staff, patients and visitors – all of these people are under the care of the hospital when on the premises. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order: 2005, saw responsibility for fire safety transferred to building owners and managers. The designated ‘Responsible Person’ is legally required to carry out an assessment of fire risks and take action to reduce or remove the risks.
Footfall in hospitals is consistent with them being operational around the clock. The traffic is hard wearing on doors which come into contact with trolleys, beds, wheelchairs, staff and patients on a daily basis. Doors inevitably become damaged with cracks and dents which compromise their effectiveness. Kellaway Commercial provides professional routine and reactive maintenance to fire doors to ensure that the safety of those that reside in the hospital is maintained.
The sheer size of hospitals, the limited mobility of people receiving care and the electrical equipment on site make them particularly vulnerable in the event of a fire. Effective maintenance of fire doors could be the difference between an escape route being kept clear of fire and smoke or the fire being compartmentalised in a single area of the building, limiting risk to life, property and specialist equipment. Partnering with Kellaway Commercial will give you reassurance that fire doors are fit for purpose and comply with fire safety standards.